OmegaBall Rules

OmegaBall is a growing sport that has its foundation in Soccer (or its international name, Football), but faster paced with more action and scoring. OmegaBall is a team game played with one Size 5 Soccer Ball with three (3) teams, three (3) Goals, three (3) “Dead Ball (corner kick)” locations, one center spot, 3 penalty arcs (36’ arcs) and five (5) players per team. There are no “throw-ins” and no offsides rule.

Field of Play:

1. (1) standard suggested total area footprint is 200’ X 200’ to allow for an appropriate apron around the pitch.

2. The overall field pitch is round with a diameter of 175 feet (goals extend slightly beyond 175 foot perimeter.

3. Grass is the preferred surface of play, but artificial turf is acceptable.

Standard PLay Equipment Required:

1. (3) sets of player uniforms (each team must have a contrasting color).

2. (3) distinct goalkeeper jerseys that match with the connected teams color choice, but with an additional identifier such as vertical stripes.

3. Minimum of (6) size five soccer balls (2 per goal (to encourage quick pace of play)). Consider 12 total balls, with 2 additional balls at each corner kick location. Some matches have up to 20 balls positioned around the pitch.

4. (3) matching standard soccer goals.

On Field Player Positions:

1. There are five players one the field per team, one of which is stationed in the goal as the goalkeeper. Two reserves are suggested per team.

2. Each team may configure their playing positions in alignment with their game strategy.

3. Each team has one (1) goal to protect and can score on either of the opposing two (2) goals

Officiating Personnel:

1. Minimum of one (1) referee but consider two (2) to help manage time and score.

a. Matches have effectively been officiated with (1) one Referee.

2. During Championship games, (2) Referees and (3) Line Judges are recommended plus an official scorer/timekeeper

3. In tournament play, tracking of “goals against/goals for” is likely required to break same goal ties as it relates to tournament advancement. Scoresheets are available from OmegaBall.

Gameplay & Rules:


1. Three (3) teams of five (5) players each compete to get the ball into the other team's goal, thereby scoring a goal. The team that has scored the most goals at the end of the game is the winner.

2. Players other than goalkeepers may not deliberately handle the ball with their hands or arms during play. Goal Keepers may only handle the ball within their Penalty Arc.

3. Within regulation play, all players are free to play the ball in any direction and move throughout the pitch

4. Players attempt to create goal-scoring opportunities through individual control of the ball, such as by dribbling, passing the ball to a teammate, and by taking shots at the goal, which is guarded by the opposing goalkeeper

5. Goalies may also score from anywhere on the field (standard rules apply, goalie may only use hands within their respective penalty arcs, hand action not allowed for scoring)

    a. If the ball is “passed back” to the goalie from his/her own team, the goalie MAY NOT use their hands

    b. If this situation occurs, an indirect free kick is awarded to the team that is applying the most pressure to create the situation.

6. Opposing players may try to gain or regain control of the ball by intercepting a pass or through tackling the ball while in possession of the opponent; however, physical contact between opponents is somewhat restricted (Standard soccer rules apply).

Timing and Periods

1. OmegaBall is generally a free-flowing game, with play stopping only when the ball has left the field of play or when play is stopped by the referee for an infringement of the rules (clock counts down from 13:00).

2. After a stoppage, play re-commences with a specified restart, outlined later in this document.

3. Time stoppage, injuries or fouls/penalties are at the discretion of the referee.

4. There are three (3), 13-minute periods and there is a 4-minute break after periods 1 and 2.

5. During the final 2 minutes of the last period, the clock will stop EVERTIME there is a break in play, including, but not limited to; a scoring play, ball out of bounds, corner kicks, goal kicks, injuries or penalties.

6. Teams will rotate goals clockwise each period. Subsequently, a team’s sub/technical boxes and team benches rotate with each respective team.

Penalties and Fouls:

Fouls Inside of the Penalty Arc:

1. Fouls in OmegaBall are in alignment with standard soccer rules.

   a. If there is a foul that requires a stoppage (within the penalty arc), the team that absorbed the foul attains possession at the spot of the foul.

    b. Penalty kick fouls align with regular soccer fouls/rules except for this anomaly:

        - If a penalty kick is the result of a penalty inside the penalty arc, whichever team commits the foul shall have the penalty kick attempt on the goal it is defending. For example, if team B is attempting to score on Team A, but Team C commits a foul on B, then the penalty shot attempt is moved to Team C’s goal and taken by Team B.

    c. When a penalty is committed within a penalty arc and a penalty shot is awarded, ALL players must remain outside of the penalty arc and give the shooter a reasonable amount of space (5 yards) to take the penalty shot.

    d. If the goal is scored, the defending goalie has 5 seconds to restart play. If it is defended and goes directly out of bounds, it is a corner kick for the team that attempted the goal. If it is defended but rebounds into play, the ball is live, and all teams/players have a right to the ball. If the penalty attempt misses the goal entirely and is untouched, it is a goal kick/restart by the team defending goal.

    e. If a penalty shot is awarded, time will stop and that shot will be moved to the offending team’s position on the field. For example, if Team B commits a foul on

Fouls Outside of the Penalty Arc:

1. Direct free kicks are awarded for the standard soccer rule offenses:

    a. Kicks or attempts to kick an opponent

    b. Trips or attempts to trip an opponent

    c. Jumps at or charges an opponent

    d. Strikes or attempts to strike an opponent

    e. Pushes or tackles an opponent

    f. Handball outside of the penalty arc

2. Indirect free kicks are awarded for standard soccer rules:

    a. Dangerous play

    b. An attacking player stops a defending goalkeeper from playing the ball with his hands

    c. Stops the motion of a player (obstruction)

    d. A defending goalkeeper touches the ball by hand after they have released it from possession before it has touched another player

    e. A goalkeeper touches the ball with hands after a backpass (via kick)

Starting the Game

1. Coin Toss: Three captains each toss a coin. Whomever the “odd” team is, wins (i.e., two heads and one tails, tails is the odd result and wins the toss) and may pick possession or a goal to defend, they may not defer.

2. From there, a standard coin flip occurs between the remaining two captains in which heads or tails is called. The winner may pick possession or a goal to defend. They may not defer.

3. Coin Toss Example, Team A wins the first coin toss and chooses to defend Goal 1. Then Team B wins the second coin toss and chooses possession. That would leave Team C with the choice of defending Goal 2 or Goal 3. Team B kicks off from center circle.

    a. The team kicking off does so in the center circle. Only 2 players from that team may be in the center circle. All other players from all teams must remain inside their respective penalty arcs until the ball is in play. There is no direct score from a kickoff.

4. Whenever a ball is set in play by a player from possessing team (i.e. kickoff or dead ball/corner kick), or a ref, play must be initiated within 5 seconds by player.

Scoring a goal in OmegaBall:

1. Scoring a goal in OmegaBall is in alignment with standard soccer rules.

    a. Goals may be scored in any of the two opposing goals.

    b. Goals may be scored by any player on the OmegaBall field of play including a goalkeeper.

Deflection Goals:

1. A player in an attacking role may shoot at any opposition goal.

2. If during a shot, a player from either of the opposition teams causes an accidental deflection which ends in a goal, the primary attacking player that committed to the original shot on target will be awarded the goal.

3. During the primary attacking player shot towards goal: If a player from either of the opposition teams actively changes the position of their body to deliberately redirect or change direction of a shot (toward goal and ends in a goal being awarded), the goal will be awarded to the player who deliberately redirected or changed the direction of a shot on goal at the discretion of the referee.

4. Whomever was in control last, will typically be awarded the goal.

Restart of Play After a Goal:

1. When a team is scored upon, that team gains possession and advances it out from their goal, via their goalie on the restart spot (3 yards out from goal, centered).

2. All opposing team players must be outside of the restarting team’s penalty arc. Gameplay does not stop after a goal. The 5-second rule is in effect. It is the discretion of the goalie if they decide to restart with opposing players in their arc. Opposing players may not deliberately linger.

3. If an opposition attacking player has not exited the penalty arc after a goal, the goalkeeper in possession of the ball has the option to play the active ball. Goalkeepers do not have to wait for player to clear their penalty arcs.

4. If an attacking player blocks the path of a restarting goalkeeper, a verbal warning will be issued by the referee.

5. If the team advancing the ball out of their goal (after they were scored upon) accidentally kicks the ball out of bounds before it is touched by any other team, a corner kick will be awarded to the team that scored the goal.

6. If the 5 second rule is not being observed, the team will receive two warnings. At the third infraction, the ball will be rewarded to the team that last possessed the ball.

Out of Bounds Possession:

1. OmegaBall has no throw-ins.

2. If a ball exits the field of play, a dead ball/corner kicks will be awarded by the referee.

Dead ball/ Corner Kicks:

1. The team that touched the ball second-to-last gains the dead ball/corner kick. This is deemed as deadball/corner kick possession decision.

2. If a ball exits play by a player on accident, the dead ball/corner kick is awarded to the nearest opposition player. This is deemed as a deadball/corner kick proximity decision.

3. There are three (3) dead ball/corner kick locations throughout the field.

4. The Referee will confirm the assigned location of the deadball/ corner kick based on the location the ball was kicked out of bounds. However, the player in possession may kick the ball in any direction and subsequently towards any goal.

5. Once the ball is placed in the dead ball/corner circle, the 5 second rule goes into effect.

6. Goals can be scored directly from the corner kick spot.

Goal Kicks:

1. If an opposing team kicks the ball out of bounds within the penalty arc line, the defending team gains possession, via their goalie at the restart spot 3 yards in front of the defender’s goal.

2. All opposing players must be outside of the kicking team’s penalty arc.

a. Standard Soccer Rules apply to direct free kicks, dead ball corner kicks, etc…. players must be 5 yards away.

Own Goals:

1. If a team accidentally scores in their own goal, a goal will be deducted from that team (if at zero, the team will go to negative one). A goal reduction is advocated because it is an easier penalty to calculate when considering tracking goal differentials (goals for/goals against). A note should be put in the scorers sheet.

2. An own goal cannot be awarded by deflection. The attacking team that attempts a shot or is in an attacking position on a goal will always be awarded the goal.


1. OmegaBall has No Offsides


1. Subs may enter or re-enter the game at any time, but may only be done from the substitution box, simultaneously. If a player leaves the pitch/game, they ARE allowed to return.


1. There are NO time-outs in OmegaBall.

End of Regulation Timing:

1. Should regulation time end with a three-way tie, the game will continue with overtime time (if applicable). Regulation gameplay overtime immediately (play will not stop) continues for 5 minutes of overtime. During overtime, the first team to score two (2) goals will win the match. The two goals may be scored in any opposition goal.

2. If two teams are tied at the end of regulation play (or an overtime scenario in which there isn’t a clear winner via the double-golden goal), the two teams will participate in a penalty kick running shoot-out from the center circle.

3. If all three teams are still tied at the end of the 5 minutes of overtime, a golden goal (first to score) will win the game. The two tied teams that did not win the game will face each other in a shootout scenario for second and third place positions.

4. During the overtime period if two teams have scored one goal each and the third team has zero goals, the two tied teams will shoot out for first and second place.

Shoot-Out Rules:

1. Five (5) players from each team (that are tied in the lead) participate in a five (5) shot round (each player shooting once) and alternating teams after each shot. Goalkeepers are included in the shootout.

2. An attacking player will start on the center spot of the OmegaBall field. The defending goalkeeper will start on the goal line (of the selected target goal) between the goal posts. Upon the referee’s whistle, the attacking player must move the ball towards the target goal. Upon the referee’s whistle, the goalkeeper may move towards the attacking player.

3. The ball (under control of the attacking player) must always be played in a forward motion (side to side is acceptable). If the ball motions backwards the shootout turn is over.

4. If the goalkeeper saves or blocks the ball, the ball is immediately dead and the shootout turn is over.

5. No rebounds are allowed during a shootout

6. The Goalie may roam anywhere to defend the shot, but may only use their hands within the penalty arc.

7. If a goalkeeper uses his/her hands to save a ball outside of the penalty arc, the play is dead and a penalty kick will be awarded from the penalty spot. The goalkeeper will receive a yellow card for their actions. Should the goalkeeper have an existing yellow card, this will now be classed as a double yellow card situation. The goalkeeper will be removed from the game and a replacement goalkeeper must be selected from the remaining four players.

8. If subsequent rounds are required, it will become sudden death (one for one shots).