Paragon Star League Rules

Paragon Star League (PSL) Playing Rules, Admin Rules & League Policies.

Administrative Information About the PSL

Name of the League: The league shall be named the Paragon Star Soccer League (PSL). The PSL will be a competitive league with age brackets established from U9 – U19 for boys and girls. Competitive teams will be grouped by age and gender and then bracketed into various Divisions based on their competitive experience level. Non-competitive or Developmental brackets will be established for U5 – U8 boys and girls. Developmental brackets may combine ages or genders when appropriate to form properly matched teams.

League Affiliations: The PSL shall be open to all properly registered Clubs/Teams under the US Soccer Organization Members definition. The PSL accepts all soccer players, coaches, trainers, managers, administrators, and officials without discrimination based on race, color, religion, national origin, citizenship, disability, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, or veteran status. Participants must be properly registered with at least 1 of the following entities common to this area: USYSA, USYSA State affiliate, US Club Soccer, USSSA, AYSO, SAY.

Management of the League: The PSL shall be owned by Lightfoot LLC (LLLC) and managed by associates employed by LLLC. PSL management shall be advised by a Competition Council on matters relating to rules, policies, and disciplinary matters. The Competition Council shall be comprised of participating PSL Member Club / Team representatives and chaired by the PSL League Director. While the Competition Council provides valuable advisory assistance, the PSL retains ultimate decision-making authority for league matters.

League Contacts: League Director: Chris Duke,

League Administrator: TBD

League Registrar: TBD

League Referee Assignor: TBD

League Communications, Website, Social Media: TBD

Website and Social Media: Website: League Schedules and Standings

Social Media:

Matters Not Provided For: The PSL management shall have the final authority in all matters not specifically provided for by these rules and policies.

Laws of the Game Revised for the PSL

All rules will be in accordance with FIFA Laws of the Game and US Soccer with the following exceptions:

FIFA Laws of the Game:

US Soccer Small-Sided Games (2016) recommendations: Player Development Initiatives

LAW 1 – The Field of Play exceptions:

1. No Goal-line Technology (GLT) or Video Assistant Referees (VAR) technology will be used

2. Field Markings and Field Dimensions by age group shall conform to the US Soccer Small-Sided Games recommendations as noted below.

Note: U9 – U10 Build-out line practical applications:

   a. Ideally, the goalkeeper will wait to put the ball into play once all opponents are past the build-out line.

   b. However, the goalkeeper can put the ball into play sooner but he or she does so accepting the positioning of the opponents and the consequences of how play resumes.

   c. To support the intent of the development rule, coaches and referees should be mindful of any intentional delays being caused by opponents not retreating in a timely manner or encroaching over the build-out line prior to the ball being put into play

   d. Coaches are responsible for addressing these types of issues with their players

   e. Referees can manage the situation with misconduct if deemed appropriate

   f. Referees should be flexible when enforcing a 6 second rule and counting the time of possession should only begin when all opponents have moved behind the build out line

LAW 2 – The Ball exceptions:

1. 3v3 & 4v4 formats will use a size 3 ball

2. 7v7 and 9v9 formats will use a size 4 ball

3. 11v11 formats will use a size 5 ball

LAW 3 – The Players exceptions:

1. The following table summarizes player min/max numbers by age group:

2. All players on the roster may play in a match with unlimited entry and reentry. PSL allows for free substitution on any dead-ball situation at the discretion of the referee. “At the discretion of the referee” is to be interpreted as assisting the referee in carrying out his or her mandate to “facilitate the continuous flow of the game.” Therefore, referees may deny substitution by either team which would delay a quick restart, while allowing substitutions by either team when the flow of the game has been naturally interrupted. The substitutes must be at the centerline ready to enter before the referee will allow the substitution to take place. It is suggested (but not mandatory) that all substitutes wear a different color shirt or bib when not on the field of play.

3. Within a Club, a player may be moved from one team to another for an individual match if the following conditions are met:

  a. Permission must be granted by the coach of the player’s primary roster using the Permission to Secondary Roster form.

  b. No player can play down. Note: Playing down refers to both the age of the player and to guest playing on a team in a division lower than the rostered player’s primary team’s division. Examples:

    i. U12-aged player may not guest play on a U11 or younger team.

    ii. A player rostered on a team playing in U13D2 may guest play on any team in U13D2 or higher, but may not guest play on any team in U13D3 or lower. Similarly, a U13 player rostered on any team playing in a U14 division or higher may not guest play on any team playing in any U13 division.

  c. Guest Players/Club Pass players may only play within their own club.

Note: Players rostered on teams playing in the Academy, US Youth National Leagues, ECNL, NPL and any other League competing at a regional level are considered to be in the Top Division of their own age group and higher for guest playing opportunities.

4. Exceptions to the above Player movement rules:

  a. During the Fall season, boys who are in 8th grade who fall under the U15 age group due to their legal age can play with a U14 team as a club-pass player. Each team can use up to six (6) club pass or state pass/trapped players to play in a U14 division as guest players.

  b. During the Spring season, girls who are in 8th grade and fall under the U15 age group due to their legal age can play with a U14 team as a club pass player. Each team can use up to six (6) club pass or state pass/trapped players to play in a U14 division as guest players.

  c. Due to the 2016 calendar birth year requirement, U15 divisions will be available for teams of both genders during both seasonal league seasons. If there are not enough teams at the proper playing level, then U14/15 divisions may be formed.

5. Match suspensions as a result of red cards will be served with the player’s PRIMARY team. No matches can be played for any team by the suspended player until the suspension is served. If a player/team is in violation of this rule, the player will be deemed illegal, and any matches played prior to serving the PRIMARY team suspension, will be forfeited. If a club-pass player receives a red card, he/she must sit out for the highest division team he/she guest plays on in that current season.

6. Players not playing in a particular match should be crossed off the game card.

7. Players can only guest play from their primary roster.

8. All guest players must be added to the match card and have a player pass. The following information MUST be written on the game card: Player’s full name, ID #, jersey #, division of primary team. (i.e.: Joe Smith, SM01012001, #15, D2) (i.e.: Joe Smith, SM01012001, #15, D2) All guest players must be registered from the same carding entity as the team they are guest playing for, such as US Club or US Youth. The team may not utilize players from different registration entities. This will result in a game forfeit should the team have players from both registration entities.

9. Dual rostered players can be rostered on two different teams within the same club or on two different clubs. They will need to choose a primary team and a secondary team. Players can be primary or secondary at any division level provided that the primary team is lower division than the secondary team, AND there is only 2 divisions difference between the Primary and Secondary teams (i.e. primary team is division 4 and secondary team is division 2, the player could not secondary roster or guest play for a division 1 team).

Note: For a secondary player to go on a roster, the primary coach’s permission must be given. Please refer to the Club registrars for requirements.

10. Players are discouraged from playing in more than two (2) PSL League matches per day.

11. Players may not play on more than one team (as a guest player or registered player) in the same sub-division.

12. Players registered to a team are bound to that team for the entire seasonal year unless he/she requests and is granted a transfer/release by the primary team AND the Competition Council approves of the roster move mid-season. All additions and deletions of registered players to the official sanctioned roster at any time during the year will be deemed as transfers. A team may add an unregistered player to their roster at any time. A transferred player will not be eligible to play on a team in their original division for that season.

13. The maximum number of bench personnel allowed in the coach area will be four (4). All bench personnel must have a current US Soccer Pass with picture. All other personnel will be viewed as spectators and must maintain the proper distance from the players.

14. Failure to comply with any of the above conditions may result in a forfeit of the particular match and disciplinary action for both player and coach.

LAW 4 – The Players Equipment exceptions:

1. The outer-most jersey or playing top worn by each player, except the goalkeeper, must contain a visible number. It is preferred that all players numbers are unique, however should duplicate numbers exist, the coach with duplicate numbers shall inform the referee and the opposing coach of the conflicting numbers prior to the beginning of the match. It shall be noted on the game card that duplicate numbers exist.

2. No jewelry may be worn by players. It is the match official’s discretion to determine if jewelry presents a hazard to the player or opponents.

3. Hard casts must be covered and be deemed safe for opposing players by the match officials.

4. Shin guards are mandatory for all players. Items not designed to be shin guards may not be used as a substitute for shin guards. It is recommended that shin guards meet NOCSAE specifications.

5. The Home team (listed first in the schedule) shall wear white or light-colored jerseys. The Visiting team shall change jersey tops if match officials deem a color conflict between teams, provided that the Home team is wearing white or light-colored jerseys.

6. The Match Official crew shall change colored tops if it is deemed that there is a color conflict between either team and the Match Officials.

7. The Goalkeeper shall have a jersey top which does not conflict in color with either of the teams.

8. No metal cleats, metal studs or shoes with a front-toe cleat shall be allowed to be worn by players.

9. Protective head-gear, corrective eye-wear or any other orthotic/protective brace may be worn as long as the Match Official determines that it is safe equipment if contacted by another players body.

10. Any Match equipment, jersey color or number issues not addressed within these rules shall be resolved by and subject to Match Official discretion.

LAW 5 – The Referee exceptions:

1. No Goal-line Technology (GLT) or Video Assistant Referees (VAR) technology will be used

2. The following table summarizes the number of Referees to be assigned by Age Group:

LAW 6 – The Other Match Officials exceptions:

1. No Goal-line Technology (GLT) or Video Assistant Referees (VAR) technology will be used.

2. No 4th Official will be used unless a special circumstance arises.

3. PSL Field Marshals may be used to manage Administrative tasks before and after matches, or during a match should special circumstances arise.

LAW 7 – The Duration of the Match exceptions:

1. The following table details match durations by Age Group:

2. There will be no allowance for additional time to be added to a match unless a greater than 10 minute delay has been incurred as a result of injury or other matter deemed appropriate to extend match time by a referee or field marshal.

3. Weather delays will not affect match duration, unless referees or field marshals deem it appropriate to change match duration. The match time will not run during a complex weather delay.

4. A game is considered final at half or upon second half stoppage, if the match is cancelled for any reason.

5. A Referee or Field Marshal may institute a “cooling break” during each half when temperatures exceed levels stated in the PS Weather and Safety Policy. A “cooling break” is recommended for 1-2 minutes and time will continue to run during such break. No additional time will be added to a half as a result of a “cooling break”.

LAW 8 – The Start and Restart of Play exceptions:

1. There are no throw-ins in the U5 – U8 Age Groups. All restarts from the touch lines will result in an indirect kick-in or the player is allowed to dribble the ball into play. If the player dribbles the ball into play, the player may not score a goal without the ball touching another player before crossing the goal line.

2. In the U9 – U10 age groups, foul throw-in calls by the referee crew shall be more loose interpreting the proper technique. Foul throw-in calls should not impede the natural flow of the game. Repeated violations of proper throw-in technique or foul throw-ins which provide an unfair advantage to the attacking team shall be eligible for referee call and award of a throw to the opposing team.

LAW 9 – The Ball in and Out of Play exceptions: NONE
LAW 10 – Determining the Outcome of a Match exceptions:

1. Regular season matches ending in a tie shall remain a tie.

LAW 11 – Offside exceptions:

1. Offsides are not called in U5-U8 Age Groups

2. Offsides are only called in U9 – U10 Age Groups in the attacking zone of each Build-Out Line, see LAW 1 exception.

LAW 12 – Fouls and Misconduct exceptions:

1. All player fouls in U5 – U8 Age Groups will result in an indirect free kick. There are no Direct Free Kicks in these Age Groups.

2. Denying a goal or an obvious goal-scoring opportunity offense ruling does not apply in the U5 – U8 Age Groups. Any offense resembling this in the U5 – U8 Age Groups will result in an indirect free kick at the point of offense or outside of a penalty area if the offense occurs inside the penalty area.

3. In U9 – U10 Age groups players must retreat 8 yds from any dead ball situations.

LAW 13 – Free Kicks exceptions:

1. All player fouls in U5 – U8 Age Groups will result in an indirect free kick. There are no Direct Free Kicks in these Age Groups.

2. Denying a goal or an obvious goal-scoring opportunity offense ruling does not apply in the U5 – U8 Age Groups. Any offense resembling this in the U5 – U8 Age Groups will result in an indirect free kick at the point of offense or outside of a penalty area if the offense occurs inside the penalty area.

3. In U9 – U10 Age groups players must retreat 8 yds from any dead ball situations.

LAW 14 – The Penalty Kick exceptions:

1. All player fouls in U5 – U8 Age Groups will result in an indirect free kick. There are no Penalty Kicks in this Age Group. Any offense resembling a Penalty Kick in the U5 – U8 Age Groups will result in an indirect free kick at the point of offense outside of a penalty area.

LAW 15 – The Throw-In exceptions:

1. There are no throw-ins in the U5 – U8 Age Groups. All restarts from the touch lines will result in an indirect kick-in or the player is allowed to dribble the ball into play. If the player dribbles the ball into play, the player may not score a goal without the ball touching another player before crossing the goal line.

LAW 16 – The Goal Kick exceptions: 1. In the U5 – U8 Age Groups all opposing players shall start behind the midfield line on a opposing team’s Goal Kick. Should a team choose to restart play with a goal kick before the opposing team players are behind the midfield line,

2. In the U9 – U10 age groups, foul throw-in calls by the referee crew shall be more loose interpreting the proper technique. Foul throw-in calls should not impede the natural flow of the game. Repeated violations of proper throw-in technique or foul throw-ins which provide an unfair advantage to the attacking team shall be eligible for referee call and award of a throw to the opposing team.

LAW 16 – The Goal Kick exceptions:

1. In the U5 – U8 Age Groups all opposing players shall start behind the midfield line on a opposing team’s Goal Kick. Should a team choose to restart play with a goal kick before the opposing team players are behind the midfield line, then live play will resume upon the restart. If an opposing player enters the zone prior to the restart, then the goal kick shall be retaken.

2. In the U9 – U10 Age Groups all opposing players shall start behind the offensive Build-Out Line on a opposing team’s Goal Kick. Should a team choose to restart play with a goal kick before the opposing team players are behind the Build Out Line, then live play will resume upon the restart. If an opposing player enters the zone prior to the restart, then the goal kick shall be retaken.

   a. Note: Build-out line practical applications:

    i. The goalkeeper may wait to put the ball into play until all opponents are past the build-out line

    ii. However, the goalkeeper can put the ball into play sooner but he or she does so accepting the positioning of the opponents and the consequences of how play resumes.

    iii.To support the intent of the development rule, coaches and referees should be mindful of any intentional delays being caused by opponents not retreating in a timely manner or encroaching over the build out line prior to the ball being put into play

    iv. Coaches are responsible for addressing these types of issues with their players

    v. Referees can manage the situation with misconduct if deemed appropriate

    vi. Referees should be flexible when enforcing a 6 second rule and counting the time of possession should only begin when all opponents have moved behind the build out line

LAW 17 – The Corner Kick exceptions: NONE

Other Playing Rules Not Covered by the Laws of the Game


  a. In accordance with U.S. Soccer’s recommendation on specific changes to rules on heading for certain age groups deliberate heading is not allowed in U11 age group games and younger. If a player deliberately heads the ball in a game, an indirect free kick should be awarded to the opposing team from the spot of the offense. If the deliberate header occurs within the goal area, the indirect free kick should be taken on the goal area line parallel to the goal line at the nearest point to where the infringement occurred.

2. Fair Competition Rule – Every effort will be made during the seeding and bracketing process to properly group teams by experience or skill level with the advice of the Competition Council or team applications. There are NO incentives in the League points system to “blow-out” an opponent. Therefore, when the score differential in a game is greater than 5 goals (6-0, or 7-1 etc.), the leading team Coach will be asked by the referee if they choose to remove 1 player from the field of play. If the leading Coach declines, then the referee will offer the opposing team an opportunity to add 1 player to the field. Should the goal differential decrease to 4 goals, then the number of players on each team will return to the original number of players to complete the game or until such time that a 6 goal differential is reached again, which at such time the Fair Competition Rule will be invoked again by the Referee.

3. Players and Spectators will set up on the opposite sides of the field. Team areas will be identified by team benches or technical areas. Spectators are not allowed on the same side of the field as Teams and are not allowed to be positioned behind the end-lines. Spectators not following these rules will be addressed by the Referees or Field Marshal to set up in the proper locations or be removed from the Field.

4. Delay of Kickoff - If a game is delayed due to the tardiness of a team, players, coach or manager, a maximum of ten (10) minutes of “grace” time shall be awarded. After ten (10) minutes, if the team is still not able to start the game, it shall be declared a forfeit. The game clock shall be started at the official game time even if a “grace” period is being allowed. The grace period might be adapted if the team that is late has a valid reason which is the League Director or Field Marshal discretion. See LAW 3 above for minimum number of players necessary to start a game.

5. Both teams must complete a game day roster form and provide it to the referee prior to each game. Game day roster forms will be included in the coach’s packets.

6. On completion of the game, the referee and ARs will verify the score and sign the game card. Coaches do not need to sign the game card, post-game. Referees will submit the game cards to the Field Marshals or PSL official on-site with the match result. Coaches may e-mail the PSL Administrator with an “incorrect score”.

7. Every reasonable effort will be made to play all games. However, in cases of inclement weather updates will be available on the PSL website, PSL Weather App or by calling the weather hotline number 816-xxx-xxxx.

Administrative Rules & Policies

1. The PSL will use an online electronic League registration system to collect team fees, manage Schedules, display Standings and communicate administrative matters relating to the League. All Teams applying to participate in the PSL must use the online system to submit their application.

2. The PSL shall operate two separate playing seasons. The Fall Season shall be played between the third weekend in August and November 30 with the intention to not begin League Games prior to the Labor Day weekend. The Spring Season will be played between March 1 and May 31 with the intention of finishing by Memorial Day weekend. The PSL League Director, with advice from the Competition Council, shall determine the start and end dates of each season prior to that season’s registration deadline.

3. As part of the Registration process, all member teams of the PSL shall have contact information on file with the PSL, including, but not limited to Name, Cell Phone Number, e-mail address of each Team’s Club Administrator, Head Coach and Assistant Coach/Team Manager. E–mail will be the primary means of communication with cell numbers being the secondary means of communication. It is the responsibility of each Team to ensure that accurate contact information is on file with the PSL.

4. All scheduling requests must accompany the team registration. We will attempt to schedule around all requests provided on the registration form. Requests made after submitting the registration form are subject to the PSL re-scheduling policies.

5. Any team applying to play in the PSL, agrees to accept, abide by and comply with all rules, policies, and decisions by the PSL and further agrees to pay all fees that are due to the PSL prior to commencement of the seasonal scheduling process. The PSL after advice from the Competition Council shall have the final authority and right to refuse admittance of any team based upon the team’s outstanding financial obligation, prior disciplinary issues or any other matters which would affect the spirit of the League with fair, competitive play. The PSL with advice from the Competition Council shall have final authority to determine Divisional placement based upon references presented from Team officials or past performance. If through the Competition Council and any mediation the Team officials do not agree with Divisional placement, a refund will be issued to the Team/Club in an amount between 75%-100% of registration fees paid based upon the factors surrounding the difference of opinion. The withdrawal must occur prior to the beginning of game scheduling to be eligible for a refund.

6. All Teams applying for participation in the PSL must be a registered member in “good standing” with at least 1 of the following US Soccer Member Organizations (USYSA, USYSA State affiliate, US Club Soccer, USSSA, AYSO, SAY). The PSL reserves the right to refuse admittance or acceptance into this League upon notice of a Team’s bad standing and/or suspension from any US Soccer Member Organization.

7. All coaches and assistant coaches must have a minimum of an online Grassroots license to coach teams in the PSL. All coaches, assistant coaches and team officials must pass a background check and complete a SAFESPORT course prior to being eligible on the roster of a Team in the PSL. Each club or team is responsible for registering their teams and players with a US Soccer Member Organization and for obtaining the US Soccer Registration Forms from their designated Registrar or from the PSL Registrar.

8. Points System and Standings

  a. Each team will be awarded 6 points for a win, 3 points for a tie and 0 points for a loss.

  b. 1 point per goal scored is also awarded with a maximum of 3 points awarded per game for goals scored.

  c. 1 point is also awarded for a shutout, a 0-0 tie will award 4 points to each team.

  d. Maximum points per game which can be awarded is 10 points for a 3-0 victory.

  e. Forfeits shall be recorded with a score of 1-0. Forfeiting team shall have 3 points deducted from their standings.

9. Season-End Tie Breakers - If at the end of the League season a total points tie breaker is needed the following criteria will be utilized:

  a. Head to head (not used if more than two teams are involved in the tie)

  b. Goal difference (i.e. goals scored minus goals allowed, max of +4 goal differential per game)

  c. Most shut-outs

  d. Fewest goals allowed

  e. Most Goals Scored (i.e. max of 4 goals per game)

10. The PSL will employ a promotion/relegation system based upon prior season results and advice from the Competition Council. There is no automatic promotion or relegation format, however past results will weigh heavily on the seeding process including Wins/Losses within a division, Goal Differentials, Head-to-Head Match results and Team/Club official recommendations made through the Competition Council. Teams who were undefeated or winless in a prior season will need compelling evidence to stay in the same division for the next season. Those teams will be likely be promoted/relegated unless the Competition Council advises of placement to stay the same.

Game Reschedule Policy

1. There is a $50 charge for a game reschedule. The team requesting the reschedule is eligible for paying the fee prior to the game being moved. No Fee will be required if the PSL mistakenly scheduled a match in conflict with a Team requested day off during Team Registration. Weather-related cancellations will be automatically rescheduled to the “rainout weekend”. Teams can not request off for the “rainout weekend”.

2. The Process below shall be used by Teams to reschedule a match:

  a. You must first contact the opposing team manager and/or coach.

  b. Both coaches must agree on an available re-schedule date. Do not send in online form until both teams agree on a date.

  c. Once Teams have agreed on a date, BOTH teams must fill out the online reschedule form and submit it. BOTH teams must agree on a date before sending in the reschedule form.

  d. Upon receiving the re-schedule request, the PSL will confirm the request with both teams by e-mail, giving them the date, time and field.

  e. The game will then be posted on the website with the new game details.

  f. If the opposition will not agree to the reschedule, the game will be played on the original date and location or it will be regarded as a forfeit.

3. Any re-schedule requests must be received a minimum of 10 days prior to the original game date. Games will not be rescheduled if the request is received less than 10 days prior to the scheduled game date. Note, requests may only be submitted by the team manager or coach.

4. Teams that cannot make a scheduled game must notify both the opponent and the PSL office. Team contacts are located on the website. If contacting our office after hours, send an email to If a team fails to notify their opponent and they show up for the game, you will be charged a $100 no-show fee, a 1-0 forfeit will be awarded and 3 points will be deducted from the forfeiting team standings.

Competition Council

In an effort to demonstrate the PSL’s commitment to our Mission statement, we shall establish a Competition Council, represented by members playing in the PSL, to govern rules, seedings and disciplinary matters of the PSL. All other Administrative PSL matters will be decided by the PSL Director, but the PSL Director may seek input from Competition Council members in regard to administrative matters of the PSL also.

1. This Competition Council will be chaired by the PSL Director or an employee delegated to chair the Competition Council by the PSL Director. The PSL Director shall not be allowed to represent other members on the Competition Council. The PSL Chair shall recuse himself/herself from any matters relating to that person’s team should the Chair also coach teams. The PSL Chair shall be allowed to opine on any matters discussed by Competition Council but shall only vote in the case of a tie vote by the Council.

2. The voting members of the Competition Council shall consist of 1 representative assigned by each Club who has registered greater than 15 teams in the upcoming season or 30 teams over the past 2 seasons.

3. All Independent teams or Clubs with less than the minimum number of seasonal teams shall be granted 2 consolidated voting Competition Council positions. Those representatives of the Independent & smaller Club group shall be organized by the PSL Director and given the opportunity to appoint or vote on 2 people to represent their interests.

4. Any Competition Council member who fails to attend required meetings will not be allowed to vote via proxy on matters being discussed. Competition Council members must attend meetings in person or virtually for their votes or input to be considered.

5. The Competition Council meetings shall be governed by the principals of Robert’s Rules of Order.

Discipline & Code of Conduct

1. All PSL disciplinary matters of concern shall be researched and reviewed by the PSL Director then presented to the Competition Council via a meeting or through email. Disciplinary matters to be reviewed may originate from the referee’s game report, from a spectator or from a participant player/official. Disciplinary matters must be submitted in writing to be considered by the Competition Council. The reporting party and the accused party will be afforded an opportunity to explain the matter in writing or verbally to the PSL Director and Competition Council.

2. Any player, team official, spectator or League official alleged to have been guilty of any violation of the laws of the game, the bylaws, rules and regulations of the PSL or any misconduct detrimental to the game, shall be subject to appropriate penalty as determined by the Competition Council.

3. Decisions to research, investigate and submit disciplinary sanctions shall be promptly sent via U.S. Mail and email. Verbal notification may be used, but written notifications shall still be used. Any, Club, team, or individual who receives a sanction or a reporter who is not satisfied with a disciplinary decision made by the Competition Council has the right to appeal the decision directly to the PSL Director or to any of the sanctioning bodies of the PSL. This appeal must be in writing and must be received by the sanctioning body within ten (10) days of the decision handed down by the Competition Council or the PSL Director.

4. All coaches, players and team officials shall be subject to all rules pertaining to misconduct. Any other individuals who may be reasonably construed as being associated with a team shall be subject to the jurisdiction and authority of the PSL. Any coach or team official can be held responsible for any individual associated to their team at any match.

5. Profanity, racial slurs or unsporting conduct by any individual will not be tolerated either on or off the field. 6. No player shall receive any compensation for services rendered to a team or receive any promises of compensation.

Referee and Field Marshal Authority

The referee(s), with assistance from the Field Marshals, are in complete charge of the field and adjacent areas from the time they arrive at the game site until they depart. The referee(s) is empowered to: Rule on what equipment is considered playable, Issue Yellow or Red cards to players and coaches during that entire period or Terminate a match for coach, players, or spectator misconduct. Teams causing the termination will forfeit the game. Referees may show red cards to coaches during league games.

1. Red Cards & Suspensions - Players, coaches or spectators are subject to match suspensions according to the following:

  a. Any player, coach, spectator, or team official that is ejected from any league match due to striking, punching, hitting, kicking, spitting, or any action that reflects harmful intent shall be subject to Competition Council review and may be suspended for a minimum of two (2) sanctioned games.

  b. Any player, coach, spectator, or team official verbally abusing a referee during any league match as documented on the Referee’s Report of the match shall be subject to Competition Council review and may be suspended for a minimum of two (2) league matches.

  c. Any player, coach, spectator, or team official being ejected from a match or the Complex, other than the circumstances listed above shall be subject to Competition Council review and may be suspended for a minimum of one (1) league match. Generally speaking, any player, coach, spectator, or team official being ejected from a game as a result of the accumulation of 2 yellow cards in a single match shall serve a 1 game suspension unless a protest to the Competition Council is filed by the ejected party.

2. The PSL Director shall have the right to add additional or reduce the number of matches in a suspension based upon advice from the Competition Council.

3. Individuals that are ejected from a game, for whatever reason, shall serve their suspension at the next sanctioned event(s) for that team.

4. Failure of an ejected person to leave the Complex after being ejected may result in a forfeit by their team.

5. Any player, coach, or team official, who participates in a match while under suspension, shall cause his or her team to forfeit that match and will be subject to additional suspensions.

6. An ejected coach will be suspended from coaching all teams in matches until the suspension is served.

7. Any spectator that is ejected from a game must immediately leave the Complex. Failure to do so could lead to the referee terminating the game and resulting in a forfeit win for the opponent.


1. A protest is a formal written objection of any violation of established rules policies or procedure. Protests will only be accepted regarding clear violations of the Laws of the Game, or the PSL modified Laws. There will be no protests regarding referee interpretative decisions. A Fee of $100 must accompany a properly submitted protest. The $100 Fee will be refunded if the protest is upheld.

2. Only a coach or team official can file protests. Only those teams directly involved in a match can file a protest. Third parties, i.e. coaches/administrators/spectators from other teams, cannot file a protest on a specific game.

3. A protest must be filed in writing with the PSL Director within 1 day of match completion and must include:

  a. A listing of player challenges or details suggesting misapplication of the Laws of the Game which are being protested

  b. A statement listing the harm or impact of the alleged misapplication of the Laws of the Game.

  c. A statement of the desired resolution.

  d. No protests will be heard on referee judgment calls.

4. Properly filed protests shall be reviewed by the PSL Director and reviewed with the Competition Council for opinion on the proper decision.

5. The PSL Director shall communicate the Protest decision within 5 calendar days of the protest submission.

Payment Policy

1. Payment is expected at the time of Registration, unless prior arrangements have been made with your Club to pay for Registration Fees in 1 bulk check payment. Service Fees and credit card fees are the responsibility of the customer to pay. Those types of fees are not paid to the League, those fees are paid directly to the service provider or the credit card company. A Registration submission for an event will not be accepted for competition without payment in advance of the seeding/bracketing for the event.

Refund Policy

1. Refunds may be issued for teams withdrawing from the League within the following conditions:

  a. A team has registered for a PSL season and the team withdraws prior to the commencement of divisional seeding. A Full Refund will be issued.

  b. A team has registered for a PSL season and the team withdraws after seeding but prior to the commencement of divisional scheduling. If the team has been seeded and through the Competition Council seeding review process the team can’t be properly seeded within a Division or the Team official disagrees with team seeding. A Full Refund will be issued.

  c. A team has registered for a PSL season and the team withdraws after the commencement of divisional scheduling, but before the first weekend of League play. A 75% credit will be issued. The credit can be used for a future Paragon Star Tournament fees or Paragon Star League fees.

  d. A team has registered for a PSL season and the team withdraws after the commencement of the first weekend of League play. NO Refund will be issued.

  e. The PSL recognizes that circumstances may arise which are not covered by these Refund Policies. The PSL Director shall review reasons for a Team requesting a Refund with the understanding that “Fairness” should be applied to both what is fair to the team and what is fair to the teams impacted by the team withdrawing from League.

  f. Refund credits may be issued under extenuating circumstances where games are unable to be scheduled due to repeated weather cancellations. As a general rule, weather-cancelled games will be rescheduled to the rain out weekend at the end of the season or open weekends where both teams agree to a rescheduled date. Teams have the option to reschedule away from the rain out weekend if time permits. Should any team be unavailable to play on the rain out weekend and have not rescheduled the game, that team will forfeit said game and NO Refund credit will be issued. There is no option to request the rainout weekend as a conflict date.

  g. Teams not playing League games as a result of a “no-show” are not entitled to a Refund credit. Teams that cannot make a scheduled game MUST notify both the opponent and the PSL Director 48 hours in advance of the game. Team contacts are located on the website. If contacting the PSL Director after hours, send an email to If a team fails to notify their opponent and the PSL Director within 48 hours of the scheduled game, and the opposing team shows for the game, a $100 no-show fee will be charged to the “no-show” team.

  h. The current Referee shortage is very real and impactful to the game. Paragon Star and its Referee Assignor will make every effort possible to have the proper number of game officials at each match. In the event of matches which are short referees, teams may have a 2-referee system or a non-paid Complex or Club AR may be assigned, so the game may be played. In certain situations, Teams may be issued a credit for missing game officials. The credit may be used for future Tournaments, future League or to offset practice time rental fees.

Weather Policy

1. Every reasonable effort will be made to play all games. However, in cases of inclement weather updates will be available on the Paragon Star website, or inclement weather updates will be available on the Paragon Star website, or accessing Statusfy App Weather is unpredictable and may change on short notice. PSL staff will monitor weather conditions onsite with various online tools to monitor severe weather or temperatures which could cause a safety issue for the players, coaches, officials or spectators.

2. The PSL utilizes the US Soccer guidelines based on the Recognize to Recover Guidelines.

3. Severe weather, lightning or tornado warnings will result in suspension of play for a minimum of 30 minutes after the last occurrence of severe weather (i.e. 20 minutes after the last lightning strike and no lightning detected in the immediate area should allow play to continue)

4. Wind Chill Factor of 30 degrees or below will trigger a cancellation of activities

5. Heat Index of 105 degrees or higher will trigger the cancellation of activities.

6. Heat Index of > 90 degrees will trigger mandatory hydration breaks of 2 minutes duration every 15-20 minutes of play at the referee's discretion.

Safety & COVID Policy

The PSL utilizes the US Soccer Play On guidance, in addition to guidelines and recommendations for the CDC, State, County, and City Departments of Health.